Monday, March 17, 2014

Hello everyone!!

My name is Javier and I am 27 years young, I am starting this new blog because I am leaving my "normal job" As a manager for an Ambulance company and diving head first into the reselling business on Ebay/Amazon and possibly Etsy. A little background on me, I have been selling on ebay on and off for about 3 years. I just recently started selling on Amazon about 4 months ago with great success. I still have not figured out the FBA program but have been fulfilling my own orders with no problem on Amazon. The app I use to find items to sell on Amazon is called Profit Bandit. It is very easy to use and you only pay once I believe it was $6.99 there are no monthly fees. I will keep you updated on things that I learn on how to sell on Amazon.
  As far as ebay goes I am mainly selling clothes that I get from Thrift stores like Goodwill, Salvation Army, and Savers. I Opened up a store on ebay and I have noticed that ebay is a numbers game. The more items you have listed the more you sell. I am leaving my Job (I have been with this company for around 9 Years) to see if I can make it working for myself. I currently have a salary that is in the Mid 50k which makes it very difficult to walk away but I want to give it a shot you only live once and I don't want to have any what ifs in my life. Wish me luck and I will continue to update my blog on new knowledge I acquire during this journey!!

If you are interested in this topic some of the people I watch on youtube and follow their blogs include Ebayscavengers, Raikenprofit, resalerenegade, Bonafidehustler, RichardMcgee, Gilldaddy, and Danny Ackeerman I am sure im missing some other channels but if you follow any of these guys you will find links to the other  ebay/amazon sellers there is a little community on youtube and most resellers follow each other. Any questions just ask!